Decorative paint or decorative plaster, what is better

If those before whom fast repair loomed have a problem of the choice of a type of finishing, to decide – decorative paint or plaster, what is better, – still it is necessary. Materials which we collected, perhaps will help to facilitate acceptance of tough decision.

Advantages and shortcomings of decorative paint

At once we clear up in what difference of decorative paint from usual. The Decorative Paint (DP) differs in existence in structure of the additional components increasing viscosity and also density of material.

Fillers of mixes:

  • calcium carbonate (chalk with very small chasticha – up to 10 microns);
  • thickeners (polyurethane, acrylic, water-soluble cellulose ethers);
  • the structuring additives (water-soluble silicates, bentonite or kaolinic clays, amorphous oxide of silicon).

Mixes also may contain the structuring inclusions:

  • fibers (natural or artificial nature);
  • quartz sand, stone small crumb, artificial granules;
  • metal sawdust or dust;
  • nacre;
  • flocks.

On viscosity the recreation center can approach hard putty. Thanks to this recreation center, even having the same basis, as usual paint, allows to create finishing coverings with the most different textures and relief patterns.

Weight keeps on the pallet, does not flow down on a wall, being put with a layer up to 10-15 mm, is formed in the different ways, tools.

Types of recreation center:

  • impressive;
  • mosaic (with the painting granules);
  • flokovy (with inclusion of flakes);
  • with special effects (for example, luminescent, nacreous, krakelyurovy).
It is magic means for the embodiment of imaginations of any level (from amateur to highly artistic). Decorative potential – the first advantage of recreation center.

Other pluses:

  • fast drying;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the expense is less, than at plaster;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • simple leaving (wash);
  • the majority of ways of drawing easily accustom beginners;
  • do not demand removal of a strong old colourful film;
  • the impressive structure does not demand especially careful alignment of the basis (that is necessary for usual colourful material);
  • small duration of repair;
  • possibility of imposing of new layers over old (except for impressive coverings);
  • on weight – between dekorshtukaturky (DSh) and usual paint;
  • local repair is possible.
Decorative Paduya paint


  • do not give additional shumo-or thermal insulations;
  • more expensively than traditional paints;
  • difficulties with removal of a covering are possible.

Advantages and shortcomings of decorative plaster

Plaster structures differ (at same knitting in a basis) in availability of sandy filler in structure, the size of grains of filler, substances-additives changing properties of solution or a ready plaster covering. For example, antifrosty, anti-fungal, plasticizing.

DSh divide on:

  • impressive (fine-grained fillers, a relief it is created only due to formation);
  • structural (having as a part of a granule, fiber, fragments of shells, quartz grains, creation of patterns and invoices due to features of structure);
  • kameshkovy (at filler there are melkorazmerny otfraktsovanny stones);
  • flokovy (difference from above mentioned in structure, technology of drawing, structure and texture);
  • mosaic (contains stone kernels of different breeds);
  • Venetian (especially thin layer plasters);
  • color (the stone flour or clay of different flowers containing in filler).

Carry to pluses of textured plaster:

  • durability;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • vapor permeability;
  • water tightness;
  • maintainability;
  • high decorative effect;
  • solidity of a covering;
  • smaller insistence to flatness of the basis;
  • possibility of production of structure the hands;
  • additional shumo-teplozolyation;
  • possibility of plastering by beginners.



  • big duration of plaster works;
  • high cost of square meter of finishing (high cost of ready structures);
  • the weight of a covering plaster is higher, than colourful;
  • dismantling zatrudnyonnost;
  • the plaster tool is necessary;
  • protection of some plasters requires varnishing or painting;
  • complexity (sometimes – impossibility) local repair;

Merits and demerits of usual paint

Pluses of usual paints:

  • small weight (the wall is minimum loaded);
  • broad applicability of the mechanized drawing;
  • possibility of multilayered drawing;
  • easy leaving (washing);
  • fast drying;
  • simplicity of drawing;
  • it is necessary a minimum of tools;
  • water tightness.

Traditional paints have the minuses:

  • small term of operation;
  • are easily damaged;
  • need for ideal smoothness of the basis;
  • less decorative opportunities, for example, are excluded the light-and-shade "fabric" emphasizing space.

Summary table of the choice

Having compared usual, textured paint or decorative plaster by several criteria, we made the table which will help to compare materials when choosing, to decide, what is better.

Selection criteriaPaintDecorative plaster
Possibilities of design++++++
Duration and complexity of repair++++++
Possibility of clarificationWashing, wiping (does not accumulate dust)Washing, removal of dustWashing, removal of dust
Performer's levelanyanyMore often professionals
MaterialsReadyReady, dry mixesReady, dry mixes, structures of own preparation
Durability (sredn.)~ 5 years~ up to 10 yearsUp to 20 years and longer
Need in the smooth basis++++++
Warm, noise-protective properties-++++
Consumption of materials++++++
Covering weight++++++
Complexity of dismantling++++++

Comparative cost of materials and works on their drawing

One-time walls painting even the dearest colourful structures costs cheaper, than vestments of walls in clothes from decorative plaster. On a layer of small thickness the consumption of material is less, than it is required for preparation of plaster solution.

Considering distinction of service life, it would be more reasonable to compare expenditure during time including on other 2-3 cosmetic updatings which will be necessary till a time of an exit of a plaster covering out of operation. Therefore, on "finish" both coverings are close at cost. The difference is that "disposable" costs of painting are stretched in time, and it is required to pay everything for plastering and at once.

Sometimes save on processing of a surface of the basis by preparation for plastering. Often preserve money on use of structures for machine drawing (which cheaper) or on production of plaster solution from separate components.

Plaster by own efforts reduces the price of works. It is also possible to combine painting and plaster, having executed plastering only partially – in the form of small panels.

Thus, the difference in the price of plaster and coloring of walls is leveled at the expense of the long term of operation. It is necessary to lay out for plaster money at once, and on coloring of walls of expense are stretched on time. Therefore more often DSh flaunt on walls in the form of separate panels, kitchen aprons.

The rational solution of a question – decorative paint or plaster: what it is better to choose is defined by opportunities, conditions and preferences. We wish a right choice!

Reference to the main publication