Thanks to the western developments modern materials for finishing were diversified by the decorative plaster a bark beetle allowing to gain effect of a bark beetle on a surface of walls. All this finishing covered with grooves reminds a surface of a tree, corroded a bug the grinder. The easy putting solution and simple receiving various impressive patterns based on structure of working mix resulted in popularity of this type of finishing. Structural plaster a bark beetle, hiding itself small roughnesses and defects of walls, easily fits into many interior styles.
Types and structure
This type of finishings belongs to kameshkovy as the otfraktsovanny stone crumb became a structure-forming component. An analog of a bark beetle is rolling plaster. Formation of grooves is carried out by rolling of the granules which are contained in solution. Using the same filler, but applying different binding, producers extended koroyedsky effect to all main types of finishing mixes. In lines mixes in a dry form and ready solutions for a facade and for internal finishing of walls are presented.
Acrylic decorative plaster a bark beetle – solution on acrylic resins. Differs in the elasticity rich with a palette, durability and durability. Acrylic resins are substances combustible therefore, though fire-retarding agents are added to mix, do not recommend to apply it to walls where naked flame is used. The structure is issued ready for work.
Mineral plaster the bark beetle is a powdery mix with cement knitting. Before use it is necessary to part with water. It can be used for external works or indoors as internal finishing. The main lack of mineral structures is their rigidity therefore at any motions of the basis cracks appear. It is not recommended to apply near railway lines and in seismically unstable regions.
Silicone plaster is produced in finished form. Mixes on a silicone basis are the most elastic, very strong. A significant shortcoming for the present is the high cost which pays off long service life. Ready mix has white color. It is tinted before application. Everything told belongs also to silicate and silicone structures.
Silicate plaster is on sale only ready. Its basis – liquid glass. Very strong, resistant to water, easily washing. However can become covered by cracks.
Silicate is not applied to internal finishing of walls as when curing emits dangerous substances.
By composition of grains (filler – a crumb of marble, granite, etc. breeds, coarse sand, or granules of artificial materials – ceramic, synthetic) is divided by fractions with sizes from 1 mm to 3.5 mm (with gradation of 0.5 mm). In rooms average and fine-grained mixes are applied.
The smallest fractions of sand (less than 1 millimeter) are often used in decorative plaster sand.
Advantages and shortcomings of application
Undoubted pluses in which textured plaster a bark beetle differs:
- small specific weight of a covering,
- good thermal insulation and noise-absorbing,
- simplicity and ease of imposing, plaster of walls a bark beetle can do even to the beginner,
- hides some defects and defects of the basis,
- durability,
- resistance to a fungus and mold
- maintain different temperatures in the wide range,
- wash.
Other pluses can not belong to separate types:
- environmental friendliness,
- elasticity,
- good coupling with all types of the bases,
- are not afraid of UFL,
- the breathing covering.
- the main shortcoming – complexity of repair or restoration in case of a surface chip: it is difficult to pick up color and to put the corresponding relief pattern so that the place of repair was not allocated),
- complexity of painting because of features of a relief of a surface,
when causing structure with especially cheap components, in 3-4 years there are chips, cracks and burning out of color.
The used tools
Putting decorative plaster bark beetle quite simple. From tools and devices will be necessary:
- for putting solution – a trowel,
- for formation of the drawing – a grater from plastic,
- the pallet for a set of mix on a trowel,
- the falcon – is useful to you during the work on big squares,
- capacity for preparation of mineral solution,
- mixer,
- painting adhesive tape (for works indoors),
- rags.
Preparation of a surface
The produced mixes have different structures and different adhesion. Are marked, depending on adhesiveness. Solutions only are applied on walls as on ceilings keep badly. Before applying a bark beetle on a wall, the surface of the basis needs to be prepared.
It is necessary:
- to remove the remains of a former covering, "to treat" big cracks and chips by means of a fiber glass grid and cement mortar,
- surface of the basis to degrease and clean from dust,
- to warm if it is necessary, sheet material as it is necessary with a grid,
- to ground a surface.
- if that is demanded by a surface (for example, expanded polystyrene) establish the reinforcing grid
ATTENTION!!! Do not use as soil betonkontakt.
Primer under decorative plaster a bark beetle will approach not everyone, and only special. The priming structure with quartz sand is necessary. It is applied with the roller on two layers. For silicate structures silicate primer is necessary.
Technology of drawing
Not to bungle finishing, it needs to be carried out according to rules:
- to execute the instruction given on packing of plaster mixes
- that strength qualities did not suffer, thickness of a layer should not be less than the size of stone grains and much more exceed it,
- temperature at work has to be in limits +5os +35os (if it is not a winter bark beetle – special mixes for work at temperatures not below minus10os),
- direct light of the sun on a surface should not fall,
- on a wall rainfall before full drying of a covering should not get,
- the wall has to be most leveled,
- solution needs to be mixed regularly as stones settle on a bottom,
- the solution which dried up in operating time cannot be dissolved with water (it will be showered later from walls),
- the planned plane has to be plastered without breaks in one day.
Mix preparation
Before works it is required to prepare mix. Dry mixes need to be dissolved, strictly following instructions of the instruction. In capacity pour water with the temperature from 12 to 20 degrees. Then, having opened a bag, fill up with portions in water dry mix. If it is necessary to make solution color, add a color. Mix to a uniform state the mixer and 10 minutes allow to stand. Then mix once again.
Ready solutions before application tint and mix. If do not tint, too mix the mixer.
How to make plaster a bark beetle with own hands
Decorative plaster a bark beetle is made by the hands of plaster, cement or acrylic plaster mixes. The sifted stone crumb of the necessary fraction is added to them. Sand does not need to be put because it burdens solution. It is possible to get a marble or granite crumb for works in the apartment – 0.1-0.2sm, 0.2-0.4 – on a facade. Addition of a crumb changes structure of solution, doing its rykhly. Therefore softener is necessary. PVA will be suitable for internal works.
Manufacturing techniques:
To measure the necessary components and to prepare water (slightly more, than it is required according to the instruction to dry plaster mix).
- To take crumbs on the volume (the tenth part of ready solution).
- To dissolve dry powder with a part of water.
- To pour a crumb.
- To dissolve PVA glue with water and to pour in mix.
- Adding water, to achieve desirable density of solution.
- To execute trial putting solution, it is checked whether it is necessary to add a crumb still. If it is necessary, then to add.
How it is correct to apply decorative plaster a bark beetle on a wall?
On the cleaned prepared wall mix is applied wide with spatula or a trowel. Thickness of a layer is equal to the size of grains of the largest fraction. It is better to conduct work sites of 1 sq.m. Begin to apply solution from below up from one of bottom corners of a wall to another, gradually rising to top. Solution is imposed the pallet on a trowel and transfer all his quantity from a trowel to a wall for one dab. What remained on a trowel is thrown off back in capacity. It is impossible to leave it as in the rest there are a lot of liquids and few grains on a trowel.
After the first pass a layer level everything that at the same time remains on the pallet it is worth throwing out in other capacity – this material is not good for further work any more.
Having put a layer to it give the chance to grab a little. This period can be 5-10 minutes (depends on density and type of solution. The surface can be considered ready to drawing a pattern if the hand to it does not stick.
Drawing bark beetle (drawing)
Any of types of the patterns inherent in this type of finishing turns out by rolling of grains of the largest fraction of mix between a grater and the basis. Moving grain leaves a trace groove in the rekeeping within weight. The appearance of a pattern depends on a trajectory of movement of the rolled grains. The directions of grooves and their length for each pattern the. There are rectilinear and curvilinear grooves.
The grater is imposed all surface on a layer and, carry out it in the necessary direction:
- Vertically, if the drawing – a rain,
- turning a grater and chaotically moving if the drawing reminds a ligature of traces of a wood borer,
- alternating movements to the right-to the left, up-down receive the drawing "carpet",
- circular and spiral grindings give the drawing "lamb".
Decorative plaster a bark beetle is created in two stages: at first grooves (the main thing – to achieve uniformity of distribution of grooves on all surface of a wall) become, in half an hour when pebbles are recorded, do one more smoothing down by a trowel. At the second stage sites without grooves become more equal and smooth.
That solution did not dry up, it is better to work together: one is engaged in putting solution on a wall, another – rubs clean after it.
If the break is planned, then paste a painting adhesive tape and do a clear boundary of a layer. After drawing the border site of a layer and its dressing, the adhesive tape is removed. And before work on the neighboring site the edge of the dried layer is stuck with a tape of an adhesive tape.
By the same way putting decorative plaster a bark beetle from solutions of different color is carried out to receive color drawings on a wall. Regions of the site of one color on perimeter are pasted over with an adhesive tape. After completion of drawing grooves the tape is removed. The site dries. Before putting solution of other color on the adjoining site, the edge of a surface of a dry layer is protected by an adhesive tape from hit of solution of other color.
If finishing of walls is executed poor, it is possible to correct plaster a bark beetle as follows:
- rough nazhdachka to remove all speakers of a nashlyopka, to remove dust,
- for alignment of a surface to put an even layer of Rotband, to allow to dry,
- to apply with the roller primer for deep impregnation, to dry up,
- to apply with a brush quartz primer, trying to fill a large time, to allow to dry,
- to apply a bark beetle on a wall and to execute a pattern on new.
However, professionals, quite reasonably, incline also to other option. In the described way the covering with double thickness turns out. It heavier also can "play" the most unexpected moment. Therefore only full removal of the wrong covering and drawing new "from scratch" can improve situation. Therefore it is better to do finishing from the very beginning qualitatively and by rules. One more exit from this situation is application over the unsuccessful drawing of plaster a fur coat.
Plaster consumption
Thickness of the put layer of solution is equal to diameter of the largest grains. The more the granularity, the is thicker the stacked layer. Therefore the consumption of decorative plaster a bark beetle on 1 sq.m can be a miscellaneous. It also depends on a manner of work and experience of the plasterer, the producer and the brand of products (Technical characteristics of mix contain on packing). The approximate consumption of plaster a bark beetle can be counted, using the calculator. On average, the expense on 1 sq.m of a wall makes from 2.5 to 3.5kg/sq.m.
Use in internal and exterior finish
Mixes for this type of finishing by producers are allocated with different qualities. External front decorative plaster a bark beetle has to work in severe street conditions – in the summer under the scorching sun which is replaced by heavy rains, sometimes and with the hail, in the winter – at temperatures to - 50 ° C and below. Exhaust gases, hostile environment – all this needs to be overcome to serve as protection for walls for many years. It is applied to external walls of the house, protections, arbors.
To finishing of walls of rooms completely or their selective elements – columns, apertures, etc. plaster a bark beetle is applied to internal works. It serves in more sparing conditions. Therefore the components giving resistance to aggressive influences are added to only composition of front mixes. Besides, for front finishings fillers with a size of fractions from 3 mm, and are suitable for rooms more – no more than 2 mm. There is still an intermediate option – universal mixes.
Often ready decorative plaster with granules is used as the covering imposed over thermal insulation. For this purpose the substrate – the glue layer reinforced by a polymeric grid is applied on sheet thermal insulation. The small body weight of a koroyedny covering allows to put it, without equipping under plaster of the strengthened basis.
To give color to a decorative covering on a cement basis, coloring of ready coverings is applied. Acrylic and water emulsion paints are applied to internal works. Front decorative plaster a bark beetle is painted by paint on a water disperse basis: silicate, acrylic or silicone. Paint it is desirable to apply the same producer, as plaster mix. Externally plaster covering to grooves is closer to stone. Selecting colors, consider their combination to tones of a natural stone.
Front coverings are usually painted in one color. At the big areas of coloring of work make in the mechanized way. If paint manually, then use fur rollers.
Internal finishings paint in two colors more often. That the finishing executed by the hands looked adequately, it is necessary to know how to paint a bark beetle two colors. The simplest is the painting similar above. At first the fur roller paints all surface in one color. After drying of a paint layer, are painted by paint of other color only of covering top. Grooves at the same time are not mentioned. The porolonovy roller is for this purpose used.
Painting of decorative plaster a bark beetle can be executed by a different way. It consists in use of the acrylic lacquer tinted by a color. Varnish is rubbed by means of a sponge so that it remained in deepening of grooves much and did not remain practically on top. After varnish/paint drying the surface of finishing becomes covered with wax.
Prices of decorative plaster bark beetle
Plaster cost as is well-known can differ depending on the region and producer of mix at the time of writing of article it makes 350-600 rub.
Despite a wide choice of types of decorative plasters with various effects. Ease of performance by the hands, a variety of the made structures, a rich color palette, durability, reliability, universality and availability – a small part of qualities for which owners of private houses and apartments choose this plaster.