In what cases it is possible to put a tile on plaster plaster

They say that the tile on plaster plaster should not be pasted. How to be if plaster in the bathroom still is necessary? What to do if a bathroom or walls of the bathroom are already plastered by plaster, to say goodbye to a tile as desired option of finishing finishing?

Whether it is possible to put a tile on plaster plaster

We consider everything that before repair work it is required to know about laying of a tile on plaster plaster.

This problem should be resolved in a case:

  • if owners got the apartment with the crude rooms which are already plastered by plaster;
  • before repair finishers did not inform the customer that plaster mixes in rooms where the humidity is high, it is undesirable to apply;
  • plaster is chosen to plaster in the machine way.
putting plaster by means of the plaster station

Inscriptions from the producer on packing where it is reported that this mix can be used even where the humidity is increased can incline to use of plaster structures. The habit to trust is not always appropriate. Probably, it is possible to paste everything on everything, but that occurs at operation when tiled facing is laid on a covering from plaster?

There are three factors which should be considered, and owing to which competent, responsible masters do not recommend gipso-tiled option of finishing:

  • low-durability of a plaster covering;
  • unsuccessful combination of materials to different coefficient of expansion (the factor works at temperature jumps, the more the range of fluctuations, the quicker it is shown);
  • usefulness of the plaster covering absorbing moisture as habitats of microorganisms, a mold, a fungus.

There are also cases when use of structures on plaster knitting is recommended, for example, if the basis is made from:

  • gipsolit;
  • foam concrete;
  • tongue-and-groove plates;
  • gas concrete;
  • keramzitobetona;
  • shlakobetona.
toilet and the bathroom from foam concrete

These materials are the bases weak, low-strong. When curing of the cement mortar applied on them materials do not maintain the created pulling together internal tension. As a result there is a cracking with the subsequent breaking off of plates of cement plaster together with a basis. Plaster does not take seat, is light, strongly keeps on the weak bases. It will be under such circumstances necessary to glue a tile on plaster plaster. Masters prefer mixes with the guaranteed quality, for example, Rotband.


From the existing minuses because of which do not recommend to put a tile on plaster material, we will note:

  • plaster covering poristo that complicates uniform fixture of materials of finishing;
  • low durability of communications in plaster material limits the weight of the finishing materials imposed atop;
  • the porous nature of plaster from plaster promotes fast absorption of water droplets from air, becoming wet, plaster material loses durability;
  • the damp environment which is created in plaster is favorable for development of various microflora.
the tile departs from plaster plaster


Are peculiar to plaster plaster materials:

  • high plasticity at a laying stage;
  • shrink resistance;
  • easy formation of a smooth surface, at once suitable for painting (without shpaklevaniye);
  • the small weight of a covering at an identical thickness of a layer;
  • the high vapor permeability promoting "breath" of walls;
  • ability to hold warmly above, than at cement plasters.

How to paste a tile on plaster plaster

We study how the tile on plaster plaster that kept strongly and long keeps within. There is a technology which cannot be broken.

installation of a tile on plaster plaster
  1. For a start carry out preparation for gluing of the plaster.
  2. Carry out a marking.
  3. Paste (poryadovo) ceramic plates.
  4. Carry out a zatirka of seams.
  5. Allow glue to gain durability.

How to prepare plaster plaster under a tile

Let's say on results of inspection (and also a prostukivaniye) it became clear that the covering keeps strongly. It can be used, but there are small defects – cracks, hollows, open joints, spots.

Preparation comes down to a number of consecutive operations:

  1. Hollows, deepenings, cracks repair. Ledges soshlifovyvat, applying a zatirochny grid.
  2. The surface is cleaned from spots. If spots not only on a surface, but "ate" in a plaster layer, delete a plaster coat on the place of a spot then cover with plaster mix.
  3. Withdraw the unnecessary hardware left isolate.
  4. Delete dust.
  5. If the room with the usual mode of humidity, and facing – a usual tile which plates weigh a little cause the priming structure which is deeply getting into a time (deep penetration). Priming means is put in 3-4 passes. This mix will strengthen a plaster surface. Surely dry each of the put layers.
  6. To provide reliable coupling, to increase durability (when apply porcelain tile), apply the rubbing movements a thin film of tiled glue.
  7. Finally dry up.
  8. Carry out a marking.

If it is necessary to prepare a wall under facing by porcelain tile, it is required to establish and record in addition on a surface a galvanized grid, for increase in durability of finishing.

Tiled glue, on plaster plaster, is not applied to alignment. The general thickness of ceramic plates and a glue layer (all) have to be less, than thickness of plaster. Only plaster is applied to alignment.

Features of preparation of walls in damp rooms

If the bathroom prepares for facing, to stages of preparation for laying of a tile on plaster according to "the dry scenario" drawing the waterproofing means is added. That is for bathrooms after similar priming put 2-3 layers of a waterproofing (masters recommend liquid mastic, sold in buckets). Again dry up, and on it preparatory work is completed.

waterproofing of a floor and walls

Not any waterproofing will be suitable for a plastering of plaster walls, for example, the cement waterproofing is inapplicable. Cement, "meeting" plaster, behaves unfriendly. From plaster structure the connections decomposing a cement stone are allocated, in exchange on the place of contact the new "swelling" mineral is formed – ettringit. Coupling of a tsementosoderzhashchy layer with plaster reduces almost to zero. Therefore apply the waterproofing structures on other basis – polymeric and acrylic or bituminous.

plaster plaster in the bathroom

Mastic structures put with a brush (it is possible to put with the roller) as if paint. At the same time the layers of mastic following one after another put in the cross direction. It allows to receive a waterproofing film of equal thickness. Mastic structures select according to material of tiled glue, and that is according to material and the sizes of ceramics. A mistake in the choice of structure perecherknyot all works. Be attentive to purpose of the means specified by the producer.

Laying of a tile on plaster plaster

This stage is begun when:

  • mechanical damages and spots of a plaster covering are eliminated;
  • strengthened the plastered wall surface, having increased durability;
  • lowered ability of a surface to pass moisture in a plaster layer;
  • increased adhesiveness of a surface that by means of glue the tile on plaster plaster was stuck it is tenacious and it is reliable;
  • the kitchen or other revetted room are marked.
At a marking consider that when facing a wall to a ceiling, in the top row only the whole plates use (halves spoil a visual impression).

Preparation of tiled glue will be the following step. It is more rational to use ready structure for internal works, then the quality of coupling will be sufficient to paste a tile "tightly". Ready structures usually include gidrofobiziruyushchy and antiseptic additives. Preparing glue, follow the instruction.

laying of a tile

Sequence of gluing of facing:

  1. Mount horizontally on a wall the galvanized directing profile on which will put a tile of the second row (on the account) from a floor.
  2. The pasted party of a tile is moistened (it prevents dehydration of tiled glue).
  3. Apply with spatula tiled glue on the pasted party of a tile, then the gear pallet level glue.
  4. The plate is pasted to a wall, evenly pressing down on the plane a hand. If it is necessary to level according to next, use short level as a level.
  5. Delete the excess acted solution (the remains are easily washed away).
  6. Establish the crosses regulating the size of seams between tiles.
  7. It is necessary to stack the extreme (cut-off) plates in corners in the last turn.
  8. It is possible to put for 1 time a tile in 3 rows then take a break for set by durability glue. Otherwise under the weight of the facing stacked above lower will spread.
  9. Fill with the last, having removed a profile, the first row.
  10. To the pasted tile day or allows to be strengthened more. Then rub clean seams.

Whether it is possible to put a tile on not dried plaster

Gluing of the tile which is doing not pass moisture on a damp plaster covering will be a gross blunder. Even if from above the layer looks already dry, under a crust damp material can disappear. A trouble not that the tile will close the road for a moisture exit and fungi will lodge. Wet plaster is less strong, than dry (twice more weakly). Therefore it is necessary to give to plaster structure time for full drying, and, naturally (without heating and fans). Usually on drying of 1 cm of a covering 5-7 days are required, time depends on temperature in the room and humidity.

On what plaster it is possible to put a tile without being afraid of consequences

Plaster on cement knitting will be reliable option at repair of the bathroom. Unlike plaster cement:

  • not vodoboyazen;
  • has high durability;
  • well holds heavy tiles of facing (a stone, porcelain tile);
  • it is strongly linked to tiled glue;
  • udarostoyek;
  • cheaper.
laying of a tile on cement plaster

Cement mortars have minuses:

  • possibility of formation of cracks when drying owing to shrinkage;
  • when curing there is pulling together internal tension that does not allow to apply a plaster cement covering on the weak bases;
  • solutions carry to heavy, strongly loading walls;
  • are less plastic therefore bring the plasticizing additives;
  • there are small problems with adhesion to the smooth bases.
If walls equal, good option for alignment are also cement and polymeric structures.

Tiled glue is often used for alignment of walls, though intended for other purposes. Good indicators of adhesion, durability, but material is less plastic. The feature – needs to be leveled carefully at once, without leaving flaws. Is suitable for alignment if the corrected site is small. Leveling of glue structure the rule can be impossible because some glues stick to the tool. Besides, economically this option is unprofitable.

Glue, leveling, put with a layer up to 5-7 mm (not more thickly). If it is necessary to receive a covering more thickly, put several layers.

The tile on plaster plaster is the option allowed by construction standards, sometimes – unique. Using for alignment of walls in kitchen or in the bathroom structures with plaster which finishing finishing supposes a tile, be strict to selection of materials for priming, a sticker and a waterproofing. Carry out instructions of instructions, you watch quality of works. Then the tile will reliably keep.

Reference to the main publication
Whether it is possible to apply plaster on oil and aqueous emulsion ink