Than to plaster wood concrete – technology

Plaster of wood concrete has the nuances connected with structure and features of material. Knowledge of these nuances will help to execute plastering of the arbolitovy house successfully.

Than to plaster wood concrete

To understand whether it is possible to plaster wood concrete as the plaster covering and wood concrete adjoin with each other, it is useful to know more about the material. It is light concrete in the form of blocks, as a basis (binding) to which serves cement, and struzhechny waste of wood, that is, organic chemistry becomes filler.

Blocks in the conditions of factory production are manufactured. In the same place there is their shrinkage therefore it is considered that arbolitovy walls do not take seat. It not absolutely so, but shrinkage, and truth, scanty.

Arbolitovy blocks willingly absorb water at immersion in liquid, but, incorporating moisture from air, in themselves do not accumulate it. It is necessary to protect from influence of moisture of a wall as water inflow destructively influences a composite.

Blocks well breathe (up to 35% vapor permeability) therefore the protective coating should not be an obstacle to this breath. On the contrary, there is a rule that each overlying layer has to have vapor permeability above, than underlying.

This requirement sharply reduces selection of material for protection of arbolitovy walls. Therefore protective finishing of walls, generally comes down to draft plastering.

The draft layer can, combining, to perform functions of thermal insulation, the noise-reducing screen, an acidproof or waterproofing covering. It is reached by application in structures of special components.

For example, for the heatkeeping plaster mix as filler use shredded ceramsite, vermikulitovy granules or perlite. To use slag for warming, foamglass or a foam crumb it is impossible as they sharply lower vapor permeability of a covering.

Except protective draft plastering of a wall need upclassing of appearance. That is, finishing finishing is necessary. Improve appearance, resorting to decorative plaster, or facing by other finishing materials, for example, lining.

Plaster of wood concrete can be:

  • single-layer (draft);
  • two-layer (draft + finishing).

Except the mentioned properties, wood concrete has roughness of a surface, suitable for plastering. It gives a free hand to plasterers as special preparation of walls from wood concrete to plastering is not necessary for increase in adhesion. However the structure of wood concrete promotes increase in an expense of plaster mass of the first layer.

We pass to what plaster wood concrete, without forgetting to consider features of material. The increased consumption of solution affects the cost therefore for draft plaster choose structures with such knitting as:

  • cement (it suits for facades and also for damp rooms);
  • cement with additives of lime or plaster (additives increase vapor permeability of a covering);
  • lime (use for internal works and alignment of facades);
  • clay (with success it is applied to alignment and ornament);
  • plaster (finishing plastering during the internal works);
  • other types of bases (for decorative finishing of front surfaces and plaster of walls of rooms).

Plaster structures can be prepared from separate components by the hands knowing proportions (the cheapest way). It is possible to buy dry mixes. If structures become on the place, then anticorrosive and antiseptic components are not required to be entered (wood concrete perfectly copes "means"). It is possible to buy already ready solution also.

Considering that blocks are capable to absorb a large amount of water from the applied solution, take the measures protecting plaster structures from dehydration.

There are two ways:

  • wetting of blocks;
  • addition in water for a batch of water-retaining additive.

If not to take such measures, spill extends the liquid necessary for course of chemical reactions from solution, as a result solution bursts, dries, without gaining the durability.

Technology of plaster of walls from wood concrete step by step

Plaster of wood concrete begins with preparation of a surface.

  1. Surfaces inspect, clean, reveal and eliminate defects, measure otkhozhdeny surfaces of walls from a vertical.
  2. Humidify or apply primer.
  3. If it is necessary, expose beacons.
  4. At a big thickness of a layer fix the reinforcing grid.
  5. Shut the leveling solution (if several layers, solution for everyone prepare separately).
  6. Cause layer-by-layer plaster structure (as when plastering brick walls).
  7. Level. Dry.
  8. Ground.
  9. Putty for thin layer finishing finishing, for example, of wall-paper, paints. Or plaster decorative structures.

At each stage respect for appropriate technology and also conditions of production of works is required. Except the specified actions it is necessary to prepare the equipment and the working tool. For plastering of a facade – to gain days with suitable weather (dry with air temperature not lower than +5, not above +30os). Perhaps, it is necessary to make the pritenyayushchy or closing from rainfall canopy, to establish the woods or a scaffolding, to bring water.

It is necessary to gain the necessary quantity (with a stock) expendables:

Mayachny profile

It is required also (especially in case of use of limy solutions) to observe TB.


On time and efforts this stage can be compared to others. Preparatory work — the base of quality of future result of all work. At the end of preparation wall surfaces have to be clean (without spots of fat, existence of the centers of a fungus or a mold, the remains of an old unusable covering). Conducting – is deenergized.

Window and door blocks, sockets – are protected from hit of plaster masses. Joints, large cracks are omonolichena, are repaired. Big ledges – are cut down.

If blocks were plastered and coated or whitewashing, paint, filled delete. The plaster layer is taped, sites of a covering which keep poorly delete. Pull out an unnecessary hardware (hooks, nails). New walls are examined. If there are residues of lubricant, spots degrease. From walls delete dust.

The geometry of walls is revealed by means of simple devices and levels. If the planes rather equal, carry out plastering under the rule in the bezmayachny way. If the roughness more than 3 cm, and quality of a surface needs high, plaster is conducted on beacons. When walls are measured, revealed a zavalivaniye and the sizes of deviations, it is easier to define consumption of materials. Consider a necessary stock of 15-20%.

Reinforcing by a grid most often is not required as the structure of wood concrete in itself allows plaster to cling to a wall surface reliably. Because of this feature of material often do not use primer, just plentifully moistening a surface.
The reinforcing grid gives durability to plaster that will be not superfluous on socle sites, also it makes sense to use reinforcing at a thickness of finishing more than 5 cm.

Installation of beacons (if necessary)

The first establish extreme mayachny profiles (from corners remove on 30 cm approximately) on a wall. Beacons expose on level, vertically. They set the auxiliary plane on which expose intermediate profiles (for this purpose use horizontally tense kapron cords). Distance between levels of beacons (for beginners) – 1-1.3 meters.

Beacons, in case of a vnutryanka, – details temporary. After plastering they are deleted. Therefore fastening of beacons also temporary. To provide rigidity of mayachny profiles, under them on the line of installation do brands of solution (or fill in several places with solution space between the installed indicator and the surface of wood concrete).

If beacons are used for draft plaster of a facade, and the wind-shelter design or sheet material will be the second covering, it is possible to leave beacons.

Draft plaster

Before plastering a wall, plentifully moistening, saturate with water or generously ground (preferable option). Give time for a napityvaniye, and only after that start drawing a layer of solution.

Here it is possible or to smear a thin layer of solution with a hand (the recommendation from a forum), and, long without waiting, to put bulk with a trowel or the pallet, or at once to sweep together a layer. Mix is leveled the rule (a bezmayachny way or on beacons). Surplus cuts off, transfers solution to a wall.

Mayachny profiles delete after drying of a plaster layer.

Finishing finishing

The smoothness of a surface from the first (protective) plaster coat of wood concrete is not required. Therefore the zatirka when plastering is not carried out (unlike plaster of concrete, brick walls). For upclassing of a surface decorative plaster the surface of the first layer is grounded, dried up, already on this basis carry out decorative plastering by the "breathing" structures.

If drawing the Venetian or Moroccan is necessary, the surface is puttied. Shpaklevaniye carry out also for pasting by wall-paper or colourings. Almost all existing compositions of plaster, on condition of their high vapor permeability are suitable for interiors as decorative plaster. For example, whether at forums beginners are interested it is possible to plaster plaster plaster?

Arbolitovy walls do not cover with directly plaster solutions as plaster "is at odds" with cement. But to apply plaster solution to creation of a finishing covering it is allowed, however, with creation of "a buffer zone" from primer of the corresponding structure.

In case of use of plaster as acoustic protection, it is impossible to paint or bleach plaster as layers of whitewashing and paint sharply lower sound protective ability of a covering.

Other ways of finishing of walls from wood concrete

As there is a lot of modern facing materials, after the device of a protective coating it is possible to make the ventilated facade, a siding, a wet facade or to revet the building with a brick. Often apply a tree to upclassing. It also perfectly looks in an interior.

Facing by a brick

The made mistakes

Mistakes as a result of which the house loses heat:

  1. It is necessary to plaster house walls from two parties, otherwise the wall will be blown, or wood concrete will cease to remain warmly. It is necessary to create conditions under which air in a time of wood concrete will be motionless.
  2. According to GOST, external plaster of wood concrete requires a layer not less than 2 cm thick. For internal – 1.5 cm.
  3. Before plastering some are limited only to primer. It does not solve a problem of pulling of water from solution.

Wood concrete plaster — not such difficult procedure in itself. But all result depends on care of performance of work.

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