In what cases plaster of tongue-and-groove plates is necessary

The question "plaster of tongue-and-groove plates is how necessary and how to carry out it?" interests those who built in the house of a partition from PGP (the reduced version of the name of a plate with castle connection). Let's consider as as it is correct to do if the surface of partitions does not need alignment.

What is tongue-and-groove plates

Tongue-and-groove connection is thought up long ago. Much know it on lining (when boards are joined to the help of ledges and grooves). Developers of new material for partitions, having chosen a rectangular shape of slabby blocks 8-10 cm thick, decided to apply this connection to fixing of blocks with each other on all perimeter.

Tongue-and-groove rectangles, connecting, form "cloth" with plain flat surfaces. This design considerably accelerates addition of partitions, without demanding a framework construction (to what it is necessary, for example, for gypsum cardboard). Installation is carried out on tiled glue or assembly mix.

Pgp can be:

  • plaster;
  • silicate.

Make plaster pgp casting of plaster solution with the plasticizing additives. Products are rather strong as apply plaster of brands to their production not lower than 4.

Plaster is known for the ability to form a small time through which material breath is carried out (gazo-and moisture exchange with surrounding space). Therefore pgp – are eco-friendly and comforts of accommodation promote. Blocks it is not combustible, are durable, maintainable.

As plaster "dislikes" a water surplus, make pgp with addition of water-repellent additives in plaster raw materials. Such products having a greenish shade apply to the rooms differing in the increased humidity. Integral and hollow, weighing less release plates.

For production of silicate tongue-and-groove plates not extinguished lime is mixed with water and quartz sand. Mix after formation by pressing is subjected to high-temperature processing in the autoclave camera.

Such products are stronger plaster, use them even for bearing walls between rooms. The strong limy and sand conglomerate avoids less damp therefore silicate pgp use, building partitions in bathrooms and other crude rooms. The weight of these products is higher.

Also release integral and hollow panels up to 11.5 cm thick. They perform sound-proof function better, than plaster. A material grade – 150. Win against plaster blocks also in cost.

In what cases it is necessary to plaster tongue-and-groove plates

Correctly carrying out installation, reach almost plain surface with seams to 2 mm. Such partitions do not need alignment, and under finishing finishing putty the received "cloth", putting with a thin layer spackling weight. The plain surface does not demand plastering before facing of a partition a tile.

Plaster is required if:

  • painting or pasting by light thin wall-paper will become finishing finishing (carry out filling);
  • if the basis of the first row was executed poor that entailed uneven addition of details;
  • if shrinkage of the building is necessary and also it is necessary to prevent emergence of cracks at shift pgp rather next (reinforcing is necessary).

Often "assemblies" set to work beginners who manage not everything from the first. In certain cases in the place (even at a plain surface) it is required to execute a partition thickening for constructive or esthetic reasons. Then plaster of tongue-and-groove plates — business necessary therefore further we consider this option.

Than to plaster tongue-and-groove plates

The choice of plaster is defined, first of all, by properties of material pgp. Of plaster it is characteristic smaller, than at concrete or a brick, durability. Therefore to load with a plaster layer from heavy solutions, like cement and sand, plaster plates it is not recommended. Proceeding from other property of plaster — its conflict "relationship" with cement, it is impossible to plaster mixes on the basis of cement also.

There are plaster or limy structures. It is more rational to apply the first. Plaster solutions form the covering, easy, quick-drying, plastic, possessing identical with pgp on the basis of plaster in coefficient of linear expansion. Such structures at the correct drawing form a smooth surface which is painted without shpaklevaniye.

Other business with silicate pgp. Their plastering by mineral structures on the basis of plaster or cement is allowed. Plastering by limy and cement plasters or solutions limy and plaster is possible.

Than to ground tongue-and-groove plates before plaster

By production, transportation and installation of tongue-and-groove plates, the surface becomes covered with hard-to-remove dust. Besides, though plaster solutions are tenacious, for reliability increase adhesion by means of priming structure. The third reason for which it is necessary to choose priming — an opportunity to strengthen a blanket, to clog up pores through which absorption of moisture from solution is possible.

The mixes applied to gas concretes, plaster plaster suit for priming. Ground a surface means of deep penetration twice, with drying between causing structure. For priming use the ordinary roller or a brush. Having put the second layer, also dry up a partition.

You should not use as soil for PGP betonokontakt.

How to plaster tongue-and-groove blocks

Except for restriction by the form bases of plaster structure, technology of plastering of walls differs from usual a little. If walls turn out equal, layer thickness – is small. Means, for plaster works beacons are not required. At a thickness of covering more than 10 mm use beacons.

As the good adhesion is provided with other measures, it is not required to put a layer of an obryzg. Plastering is carried out in one layer. If thickness exceeds 3 cm, establish the reinforcing plastic or fiber glass grid on flat sites, the punched corners with networks strengthen corners.

Having applied solution on the basis, conduct alignment by the rule. Having waited until solution is taken (about 40 minutes), it is cut with a sharp edge of the rule. Surely delete beacons when plaster weight dries up.

The formed flutes fill with plaster mix, filling up on the hardened plastered surface of sites, adjacent to shtroba, by means of the wide pallet.

If the smooth surface is necessary for painting, the top of plaster is leveled corrosion-proof pallets or ground. It is possible to putty a surface also.

Features of plaster pgp in damp rooms

Preparing for repair of the bathroom, or other rooms where it will be expected the increased humidity, all materials and technological methods select, being guided by these conditions:

  • type pgp (moisture resistant), priming means;
  • types of hard putty or plaster with hydrophobic properties;
  • materials of finishing finishing which are not afraid of water influence;
  • device of a waterproofing course, etc.

For such rooms, as a rule, choose either silicate, or plaster waterproof tongue-and-groove blocks. In places where there is no contact of plaster plates with water, it is possible to be limited to priming of a surface.

But where the contact is possible, over primer technologists recommend to put waterproofing means. It is also necessary to cut penetration and rising of water from a partition bottom, having applied a waterproofing tape and having applied one-two layers of a waterproofing on a wall bottom. Whether article about that is useful to you it can be possible to put a tile on plaster plaster.

Classical option of protection of tongue-and-groove plates — two layers of priming means of deep penetration + obmazochny primer on a polymeric basis.

Whether the tile on PGP is required plaster

If partitions and interroom walls are put exactly, then possible deviations (up to 2 mm on length meter) easily smooth out thickness of a glue layer on which put a tile. When deviations over 2 mm, either draft plaster of tongue-and-groove plates, or hard putty is necessary (depends on thickness of the leveling layer).

If in the instruction it is reported that plaster of tongue-and-groove plates is not required, then it is necessary to remember that it belongs to the partitions built without derogations from technology. It means, as deviations from a vertical and a horizontal do not exceed normalized.

In some cases it is necessary to putty or plaster partitions and walls even from pgp. As well as in other construction works, reliability and long term of operation of plates (quality of the end result) is defined by that, how correctly and each stage was responsibly completed.

Reference to the main publication
As it is correct to dissolve plaster for walls in house conditions