- 1 Rating of plaster mixes
2 Rating of plaster plasters
- 2.1 Knauf rotband
- 2.2 Knauf goldband
- 2.3 Knauf mp 75
- 2.4 Volma layer
- 2.5 Volma plaster asset
- 2.6 Weber vetonit profi gyps
- 2.7 EC OF TG 40
- 2.8 Unis teplon
- 2.9 Osnovit gipsvell PG25 W
- 2.10 Plaster Axton
- 2.11 Bergauf Bau Putz Gips
- 2.12 Gold prospectors plaster
- 2.13 Rusean plaster
- 2.14 Glims ts 70
- 2.15 ClimLife standard
- 3 The best cement plasters
- 4 The best it is cement limy plasters
- 5 The rating of plaster mixes for internal works
- 6 The plaster choice – useful video
The plaster choice – such is "bowl" which any owner of such real estate should enjoy as the apartment or office. What it is necessary to decide in case of repair on? Whether to choose plaster from the cheapest whether to listen to opinion of the neighbor? Whether to ask questions at a forum or to trust in the consultant from the stroymarket? And maybe, it is necessary to study this or that top of plasters, only what if all so different ratings?
Rating of plaster mixes
If ahead construction or repair, means came it is time to think over in advance with what materials it is necessary to stock up for plaster of walls. First of all, it concerns the leveling structures which it is required more, than decorative.
The leveling plaster mixes can be prepared independently knowing proportions or to buy already ready (from the series "just add water") dry powders (further to CC). The difficulty of the choice is not only in a basis (binding substance), but also that structures on the basis of one, for example, cement or plaster binding the set is issued.
By what criteria of the master do carry out the plaster choice? By what reasons to be guided to the beginner? What type to choose to plaster the room in which the humidity is increased? What will be suitable for alignment of walls after which the shpaklevaniye will not be required?
Briefly about types of plaster structures, depending on binding substance (basis).
Classical materials of mineral plasters, binding which serve:
- plaster (the dehydrated natural mineral);
- lime (extinguished or not extinguished);
- cement.
Their differences most of which of all influence the plaster choice:
- durability of the formed covering;
- resistance to damp conditions;
- placeability and other working qualities;
- terms of plaster works, including time for drying;
- price.
Durability and resistance to soaking defines a scope of plaster materials: cement structures are most of all suitable for front works, are not suitable absolutely – plaster. When choosing CC for internal works come to the forefront ability to support a microclimate, comfortable for residents, and placeability (if for dressing of an interior wall-paper or coloring are planned).
Here to plaster is not present equal (an exception – the rooms connected with temporarily increasing humidity, for example, the bathroom). Plaster – "breathes", allowing "to breathe" walls, it is also warmer to the touch (one more comfortable quality), at a big thickness of a covering considerably participates in heat preservation.
On "working" qualities it is more convenient plaster materials. They it is easier the weight (it is important for workers and for walls), more plastically, quickly grab. Ability, hardening, not to shrink in case of the weak bases lifts plaster highly over competitors.
Comparison of plaster mixes on plaster and cement bases (as a grant to the beginner) is presented in article. To carry out the further choice of plaster which main component – plaster, probably, is more difficult other.
The beginners who do not have wealth of experience address for council at forums those who are more skilled. More often the conversation is carried on about such branded materials as products of KNAUF and Volm that is clear if to consider the history of their emergence on the Russian construction open spaces.
The popularity of some does not mean lack of advantages at others CC. A reverse side of popularity rise in price of products already outside production rooms becomes frequent.
It and also an opportunity "to run" into a brand fake, moves the user to look for replacement to "celebrities". In that case the ratings made on the basis of criteria come to the rescue:
- scope (or appointment) where the possibility of use on facades or in a vnutryanka, but also applicability for machine plastering enters;
- structure or components of a product thanks to which mix differs in special characteristics, for example, in the increased heatdeduction;
- the price (not only for kg, but also the final cost of a covering);
- the opinion of experts (based on "working qualities" of solution, quality of the final product);
- responses of consumers (plasterers with an experience, beginners, owners of housing).
Beginners can be also guided by names of the companies making plaster among construction mixes. Each of the companies respected in the Russian market (and international have also world authority) gained popularity the relation towards quality of products which she in every possible way maintains and strengthens.
The brand not only is registered and recognized consumers, but also is protected from fakes. Producers guarantee compliance of materials to their description and the characteristics given on packing.
Firms whose products are most popular in Russia:
Name | The country (head office), is founded |
Knauf | Germany, 1932 |
Weber | France |
Volma | Russia |
Unis | Russia |
Henkel | Germany |
Rusean | Russia (on a joint of centuries) |
Gold prospectors | Russia, the 1990th |
Glims | Russia, 1994 |
Standard system | Russia, 1968 |
Litokol 1970th | Italy |
Perel | Russia |
Osnovit | Russia, 2005. |
Rating of plaster plasters
As it was told above, carry the structures of KNAUF, Volm to the best plaster plasters. Also here it is possible to include Weber and other structures on the basis of the dehydrated plaster which are a little giving way to "nice champions" on advantages. Plaster practically does not form cracks after drying as does not take seat.
Knauf rotband
The product with "the German quality" noted by a red tape on packing becomes the winner in ratings from year to year, according to experts. Knauf rotband is manufactured (on a compounding of concern) at several enterprises in Russia, close to fields of mineral. The distinction of natural raw materials affects color of powder, but not quality.
Except knitting mix contains softeners and also polymeric components. Confidential additives do mix suitable for use where the moisture resistance is required, – in bathrooms. However, the producer specifies that it is necessary to protect plaster from direct hit of water after all.
Plaster material on technical characteristics is similar to others CC:
- expense – 8.5 (hereinafter the size of an expense is given in kg on creation of a layer 10 mm thick on the area of 1 sq.m);
- layer thickness limits – 5-50 mm (further are designated – PTS);
- despite fineness of granular filler (up to 1.2 mm), receiving a smooth surface is possible.
Plaster weight is plastic, it is easy to work with it (that is especially estimated by plasterers), is put manually. Well "clings" to the mineral bases, does not roll down when leveling. Quickly dries. The small term of life first causes difficulties for beginners when laying solution (from the moment of readiness the batch needs to be developed in the remained 25 minutes).
An opportunity to do without additional shpaklevaniye as the cost of materials and work and also expenses of time grow in the second case appears powerful plus. As a result the prime cost of a cement and sand covering is equal to cost of finishing rotbandy.
Carry to shortcomings:
- high cost;
- existence of fakes;
- the fact that the producer guarantees the stated qualities only at a term of use of the primers specified by it (that is where our beginners like to experiment).
The same minuses at others the CC KNAUF therefore further we will not repeat.
Knauf goldband
Has the qualities almost similar to Rotbandu with small distinctions:
- Rotband has adhesion above therefore it is intended for smooth surfaces;
- for the same reason goldband it is not intended for plastering of ceilings;
- the minimum layer of drawing Goldband – 8 mm (Rotband – 5 mm);
- covering density Goldband is higher (980 against 950 kg/m3).
The essential distinction – on a third or a quarter of goldband is cheaper.
Knauf mp 75
Intended for machine drawing, the CC German development differs from Rotband in structure at which there are defoaming agents, curing delay mechanisms, softeners.
Handwork with solution is also possible. Users note unusual duration (to the 2nd hour) solution lives, ease of smoothing down to luster, convenience in work. PTS – 8-50 mm, an expense – 8-9 kg. The mix intended for walls, ceiling overlappings can be applied (with additional protection) in bathrooms.
Volma layer
The second positions in rating divide among themselves plaster plasters of the Volma and Weber brands. In some cases, masters give preference to these plasters as it is more convenient to work with them and the price is attractive. Volma a layer is intended for plaster alignment of a ceiling and walls manually. PTS of 5-30 mm, an expense – 8-9 kg on a square.
Color of powder also depends on mineral composition of raw materials:
- white;
- pinkish;
- yellowish;
- with a shade of gray.
Well "sticks" to various bases. "Is easily modeled" therefore the surface can be brought to luster without shpaklevaniye. As well as Rotbnd can be used for bathrooms, but with protection against direct hit of moisture.
Volma plaster asset
It is intended for alignment of walls, ceilings by means of machine stations. However practice showed that the manual drawing executed by plasterers (with observance of technological conditions), turns out also high-quality.
On condition of the correct preliminary priming, the hardening solution does not form cracks, is tenacious keeps, is easily smoothed down. Structure cost for machine plastering is lower, than mixes for manual drawing. Time which the plasterer has on imposing and leveling, (prior to the beginning of a skhvatyvaniye) – 1.5 hours.
Weber vetonit profi gyps
Material of the French concern Weber-Vetonit is intended for machine plastering, belongs to the range of the increased comfort. Time of the beginning of a skhvatyvaniye – 40 minutes. PTS of 5-50 mm, an expense – 8.5-10.0 kg is allowed. For work with solution 40 minutes are allotted.
Fraction of grains of sand up to 2 mm therefore the wall turns out granular, coloring requires a shpaklevaniye. Plaster can be carried to available (at the price), but not high quality. Life time – 90 min., PTS – the 5-50th, the expense is rather big – 10-11 kg.
Unis teplon
It is intended for plastering by hands and machine stations therefore the period of life is increased up to 50 min. On Unis expense teplon it is close to Rotband – 8-9 kg / a square, TPS – 5-50. Advantage in snow-whiteness of the received covering. The affordable price, but the adhesion is rather weak.
Osnovit gipsvell PG25 W
Shows record PTS – the 3-80th, long viability – 90 min., good adhesion (suitability for alignment of concrete ceilings, walls from a gas concrete, PGP, HL). It does not suit for damp rooms absolutely. The producer guaranteed the granularity which is not exceeding 0.63 that allows to achieve a smooth surface. Also reasonable price pleases, and the instability of quality here disturbs.
Plaster Axton
Cement-gray color, quite good plasticity and ukladyvayemost. However at a zatirka it is capable to be turned, that is, under wall-paper and paint it is required to shpatlevat. At smoothing down with pressing there are many pellets which after drying are required to be cut off. Grain up to 1.2 mm in size, life time – 1 hour, an expense – 8.5, TPS – 2-50. Drawing is machine, manual.
Bergauf Bau Putz Gips
Plaster mix for handwork. Contains perlitovy filler with fraction till 0.63. The shpaklevaniye is required. Differs in a big expense – 11-13 kg, processing term – 60 minutes. PTS – the 5-30th (as at analogs). If at a zatvoreniye to give surplus of water, then at repeated hashing a part of moisture separates.
Gold prospectors plaster
Presence at composition of special filler promotes decrease in a consumption of solution (8-9 kg on a square). The product shows good adhesion with the mineral bases, can be used for a covering gazo-foam concrete. Low water resistance limits the field of plastering by dry rooms. PTS – the 5-50th, life term – 20 minutes (from the moment of readiness).
Rusean plaster
It is convenient to apply plaster (manual plastering), it is easy to distribute. The smooth surface is good under thick wall-paper or textured paint without shpatlevaniye.
Glims ts 70
One of materials of own development of the Russian company of Moscow area is intended for machine plaster (life term – 1.5 h). The mix containing perlite belongs to warm. The granularity, however, material belongs till 1:25 to smooth, plastic. Color is white. The expense is slightly more than average – 9-10 kg on a square. The shortcoming is Glims ts 70 more expensively than analogs.
ClimLife standard
Selection of fractions of a plaster product of the Standard company allows not only to reach a covering tonkosloynost, but to receive the dense structure of light gray color which is not needing a shpaklevaniye (mirror luster) for the account of "ukladyvayemost" of fractions. It promotes economy of finishing paint.
Plaster warms the room, thanks to natural filler – a penostek. That it was more convenient to beginners to work, the term of life of material is expanded till one and a half o'clock then fast hardening follows. PTS – 2-50, adhesion – 0.5 MPas, at cost – the budgetary option.
The best cement plasters
Deciding what plaster it is better to apply: for damp rooms or for street conditions, take cement CC more often. In this segment the plaster choice in addition is based on strength characteristics and frost resistance.
Strong cement material is more dense than plaster, is not afraid of water and interferes with soaking, protecting walls. If plaster almost does not take seat, then a lack of cement mortars – shrinkage in the course of hardening and susceptibility to cracking.
Sandy filler of a surface gives granularity therefore the covering before coloring is puttied. Plasticity of cement mortars in comparison with plaster below. The same treats vapor permeability. Cement mortars can longer survive. Advantage – low price.
Knauf Grunband
Material is suitable for plastering manually and also machine stations. Granularity up to 1.5 mm, PST – the 10-30th (heavier cement mortars hold a layer of smaller thickness, than plaster). KnaufGrunband – one of the most low-account (on a square – 12 kg). It suits for plastering of ceilings. Heat-insulating properties are provided by a perlitovy and polystyrene foam component, it lowers durability.
Ceresit ct 24 light
High-quality plaster is suitable for alignment of walls, plastering of corners and slopes, ceilings. Rather small term of life – 60 min., an expense – 14 kg / a square, PTS – 3-30. High-goodness, Tserezit's technological effectiveness are noted by experts and masters.
Among components – the polymeric additives reinforcing fibers. Perhaps machine/manual drawing. At cost the option is higher budgetary (minus). Suitability for the weak, fragile bases, for example, for cellular concrete – fat plus when choosing.
Weber vetonit tt40
It is imposed manually and cars. Time prior to the beginning of a skhvatyvaniye – 2 hours, is allowed by PTS – the 5-40th. Granularity up to 1.2 mm, an expense – 17 kg. Masters note high "stickiness", a poslushnost when drawing. Strong covering. Characteristics correspond to stated.
Cement Axton
Mix is universal, suitable for manual and also for machine plaster. Long PTS – 5-40 mm, an expense – 11-12/square does not grab (term 2-3 hours).
Bergauf Bau Putz Zement
It is noted that the structure is complicated for development by beginners. A high expense – 16-18 kg / a square, 3 hours – time of life of solution, PTS – the 5-30th. Granularity till 0.63 therefore plaster is carried to smooth.
Osnovit Pro cement
The term of life is more than 2 h, PTS – 5-30, an expense of 16-17 kg. Mix is intended for manual plastering of facades and for internal finishing. Plaster is often chosen at the moderate price.
Glims VeluR cement with perlite
Universal material for front and also internal finishing, PTS – 5-35 mm. It is facilitated (at the expense of perlite) weight, warm, is very steady against cracking.
High-adhesive mix is focused for a covering of the weak bases – foam concrete, gas-silicate blocks to which allows to breathe. It is easily leveled, it is plastic, than reminds plaster plasters. The focus on the porous weak bases does a product unique. The champion on life time (till 4 o'clock is minus).
The best it is cement limy plasters
Addition of lime in cement and sand plasters "softens" a rigid habit of cement, giving to structures plasticity. These plasters suit for bathrooms, kitchens, shower or bathrooms. Durability of such plasters is lower, than cement. Need a shpaklevaniye.
Perel Robust-M
It is universal in the place of application, intended for plastering of walls by means of the machine station. Smoothing down try to obtain the smooth surface suitable for coloring by textured paints. Granularity till 0.63, PTS – 20, an expense – 15-16 kg / a square, life time – 1.5 hours.
Mix suits for damp/dry conditions. Apply on ceilings, walls, partitions manually or a machine way. Filler – sand with granularity till 1:25. A low expense on square meter – 12 kg, small PST – 10-20 mm, the long period of life – 2 hours.
Plaster of manual drawing with granularity to 1.25, PTS – the 8-30th, for lives – 3 hours, an expense of 13-15 kg / a square.
Quick-mix of MKE