- 1 Detector of the hidden conducting
- 2 Search by the radio receiver
- 3 We look for conducting by the hearing aid
- 4 The indicator screw-driver in the help
- 5 Search by a multimeter
- 6 Metal detector
- 7 Correct scheme el. conductings
- 8 Universal detector
- 9 How to find conducting in a wall: national ways which do not work
- 10 What to find break of a wire in a wall
Of how to find conducting in a wall, the zealous new settler thinks not only while there was a violation in the power supply network, and right after purchase of the apartment. Knowledge of location of the hidden network of wires is useful at re-planning, a renovation, placement of furniture and installation of fastenings for the hinged equipment. Of course, quickly to find the place of damage too it is necessary to be able.
Detector of the hidden conducting
Existence of the plan of power supply networks is necessary that:
- not to damage an electrical wiring during the hanging of wall lamps, attachment of a picture, blockage of the expansion bolt shields intended for fastening of suspended furniture (for example, shelves);
- it is correct to organize re-planning of an interior, for example, to move a partition or a doorway;
- it is rational to place furniture;
- it is safe to execute repair;
- not to get an electric trauma during the drilling of an opening or blockage nailing;
- to quickly define the place of violation of conducting.
There are devices intended for detection of lines of the operating conducting, and the device capable to find the place of violation without opening of a plaster covering.
By the principle of work detector devices happen:
- electrostatic (reveal the wires which are energized on which current is not passed);
- electromagnetic;
- metaldetectors;
- combined.
Detectors (ISP are indicators of the hidden conducting) differ on power and also on existence of additional functions. In life seldom there is a need for sensitive devices which professional electricians and which, besides, are expensive use. There will be enough household appliances with the small number of functions, the smaller price.
Electrostatic indicators differ in simplicity of operation, a byudzhetnost, easily reveal the place of a rupture of a cable in a wall. Minuses – sensitivity of the device to the induced hindrances of the electromagnetic nature. The computers which are switched on in network, microwaves, routers, TVs force down operation of electrostatic devices. It is impossible "to probe" a statics if wall designs are reinforced, or plaster was gathered moisture.
Detectors with the electromagnetic principle of action "pay attention" only to wires with the current current. Inexpensive ISP are less sensitive, capable "to see" wires under loading not less than 1.5 kW. That is, if wires provide with current of a chandelier or other lamps, such device not to reveal the place of conducting. The advantage of devices — ability to reveal arrangement of an electric cable with a millimetric accuracy.
Metaldetectors equally "see" non-ferrous and ferrous metals therefore signal about existence of the hidden fittings, pipes, nails or cables. Therefore such ISP seldom use in pure form when find location of wires.
More often detectors of metal apply as the auxiliary equipment if it is necessary to confirm the unstable weak signals received by other sensors. However, if it is authentically known that in a wall there is no other hardware, it is possible to use for search and these indicators.
The expensive combined detectors are calculated on simultaneous application of several methods therefore is more productive than others. Also additional functions which equipped the combined ISP are useful to professional construction electricians. The electrical wiring lies under plaster close to a surface therefore in life there are often enough cheap statistical devices for search of wires.
The simplest household devices differ in the "simplest" price beginning with 5 dollars. The device has one sensor and the sound, or light indicator. Depth of their action is small, and sensitivity degree seldom gives in to control.
Devices which in the people are called professional differ in multifunctionality and sensitivity. Some models can register the electrocables lying at a depth of 150 mm with an accuracy of 5 mm. The price reaches 500-600 dollars.
From household detectors are popular:
- Eltes the Woodpecker of E121 ("sees" the wires which are energized (!), hidden by a plaster coat up to 2 cm thick).
- Bosch Truvo (with the indicator traffic light changing color from green through yellow for red, specifying metal, blinking over wires energized, burning exactly over a hardware). "Sees" the metal buried up to 70 mm, the wires covered with plaster a layer of 5 cm.
- Chinese indicator screw-drivers.
- Eltes Woodpecker of E121
- Indicator screw-driver
- Bosch Truvo
Search by the radio receiver
If near at hand there was no ISP of factory production, it is possible to use radio engineering. It is necessary to adjust the radio receiver on the frequency of 100 kilohertzes, to bring closer to a wall (as far as possible), to drive along a surface. The method works on condition of finding of wires energized.
One more invention of radio fans of times of the USSR – the detector made of the old cassette portable tape recorder. Improvement of the device consists in tap of a magnetic head, replacement with its coil from the actuator or the relay (to solder).
Search is carried out at turning on of the tape recorder in the reproduction mode. The coil drive on a wall, listening to the sounds made by the loudspeaker. For receiving a distinct signal turn on pair of battery chargers giving pulse hindrances in network sockets. The location of conducting is registered with an accuracy of 1 cm.
We look for conducting by the hearing aid
The phone mode at which inclusion the device passes to reception of the electromagnetic oscillations going from the telephone loudspeaker is in the majority of hearing aids. Therefore it is possible to use for search of the hidden conducting and such equipment.
The device of the sensor of the device is simple. The screened high-resistance coil having the internal ferrite or metal core is used. Conducting has to be included under loading not less than 100 watts, then accuracy of localization of wires – 0.5-1 cm.
The indicator screw-driver in the help
The elementary the detector of the hidden conducting – the Chinese indicator screw-driver. For detection of the wire closed by a plaster coat, the screw-driver is taken for vents, drive into the corner a sidewall of the handle and conducted along a surface.
Having appeared over a wire, the screw-driver works, and the indicator begins to shine. For the household purposes (to check existence of a phase or zero in the socket) such device will be enough. The price is low (begins with 60-70 rub) therefore acquisition of the device for the owner of housing is easy.
Indicator screw-drivers happen on batteries and without. Devices can be used also, for:
- determination of polarity (accumulator or battery);
- checks of integrity of an electrical circuit (pro-calls);
- definitions of the place of violation of a cable.
Search by a multimeter
One more way of registration is based on features of field transistors in which current changes when the semiconductor device gets to electric field. Therefore radio fans to find conducting in a wall, will easily make the simple detector device of it and a multimeter (the arrow old tester will approach).
The transistor is required such at which the lock has the small entrance capacity and low voltage of opening. That lock import elements 2SK241 or Soviet of KP103, KP303 series possess.
When the transistor is far from conducting, resistance is it about several hundred Ohms. At approach of the field transistor to a cable around the semiconductor it is formed el. magnetic field, and device resistance sharply increases.
Will help to increase sensitivity of the home detector soldered to a lock of conductings with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm which length it is easy to pick up by practical consideration. Sufficient length – 5-10 cm. This antenna can be curtailed, having given the form of the coil.
Sequence of actions:
- the multimeter is switched to measurement of resistance in the range of 200 kOhm;
- probes cling to transition conclusions a drain source (polarity any), leaving a lock groundless (as the antenna);
- conduct the transistor antenna (lock) along a wall;
- as soon as the semiconductor element gets to the electromagnetic field, its internal resistance changes;
- the multimeter immediately registers change, and on the site of arrangement of conducting change will be maximum.
Probes for convenience wind with an adhesive tape, then they do not break up when using.
Metal detector
In case the metal detector is already available in economy, the device can be used to find the hidden conducting. The metal detectors working in the transfer reception mode register reflected from "target" the electromagnetic signal radiated by the transmitting coil.
The signal reradiated by the hidden metal, getting on the accepting coil, causes in it emergence of electromotive force that is registered the metaldetector. If there is no metal, there is no reflecting signal, and instrument reading zero.
Such "finder" is easily confused, without distinguishing a wire and a metal profile for gypsum cardboard fastening, signals if the nail "is hidden" in a wall. Models are more expensively capable to distinguish ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal. Plus such detector – ability to find deenergized conducting.
Correct scheme el. conductings
If in the house professionals were engaged in laying of an electrical wiring, then, knowing rules of laying of electrocables, it is possible to find out presumable arrangement of the power supply network. To lay wires and cables, according to rules, it is not permitted on diagonals.
It is possible to do it only vertically (perpendicular to a floor) or it is horizontal (parallel to a floor). Norms established also minimum distances between shtroba and elements of building constructions (a ceiling, doors, etc.). Usually it is 15 cm from a ceiling or a surface of a floor.
If "to begin again from the beginning" (raspredkorobk), moving linearly under corners of 180 and 90 degrees, with high probability it is possible to calculate approximate arrangement of wires. But it is necessary to apply other way to an exact fixing. Estimation of position of network according to "the correct scheme" will help to save search time.
Universal detector
In the mode of search of conducting of any ISP, in fact, is a radio receiver which is capable to find the background radiated by the wires which are under alternating current. However at "industrial frequencies" – 50 Hz radiation it is not enough.
It forces producers of the equipment to do devices tonkochuvstvitelny. Besides, for professional electricians of the device are always multipurpose, and cost reaches them 36 thousand. Developers took care also creation of devices for life.
It is possible to get and use any universal detector in house conditions if thanks to other functions such device is demanded in economy more than once. Modern universal detectors are capable to solve several problems, for example, to perform functions of a laser range finder, the laser level, to be used for calculation of the area.
How to find conducting in a wall: national ways which do not work
Along with the working ways of search of an electrical wiring which national handymen use to find for the hidden conducting in a wall, there are also non-working ways which are also offered in the Internet. Not to spend time for nothing, not to be upset, it is worth understanding in what here business.
Search by a compass
The "handymen" recommending a compass as the search device, probably, in practice the hidden plaster of conducting did not use the magnetized arrow for search. To understand it, there will be enough knowledge of the principle of action of the compass getting to an area of coverage of electromagnetic induction.
That the compass arrow reacted to a cable and was developed in the necessary direction, it is required to create magnetic induction of impressive force, as without considerable plaster coat is problematic, and with a plaster covering – business failure.
Search by the smartphone
In spite of the fact that in interiors of phone the magnetic sensor which programs has to turn into the metaldetector, look for wires in such a way – for nothing to spend precious time is built-in. It is rather an entertainment as the device reacts to any of types of metal disappearing in a wall. When it is about the solution of serious problems, – not before overindulgence.
What to find break of a wire in a wall
ISP can be used for definition of the place of violation of integrity of wires under plaster. The same radio receiver publishing a crash over complete conducting stops over the place of break. Easily the hidden break by means of electrostatic detectors is found.
Knowledge of how to find conducting in a wall, can facilitate the new settler's life, will help to avoid electric traumas when drilling a wall and also will save time for search of places of break of network.